Montana Tech Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering is a diverse and interesting specialty that impacts nearly every facet of our economy. Montana Tech offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, B.S., Master of Science degrees in Materials Science and Engineering and in Metallurgical and Mineral Processing Engineering, and doctoral degree (Ph.D) in Materials Science.
Start your career with a bachelor's degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
This doctoral program concentrates on four overlapping and interacting areas, which are important to Montana's economic interests: biomaterials; materials for energy storage, conversion and conservation; electronic, photonic, and magnetic (EPM) materials; and materials synthesis, processing and fabrication.
The M.S. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) program has a distinct interdisciplinary culture that provides students with the depth and breadth of knowledge that leads to successful careers in fields such as aerospace, automotive, biomaterials, chemicals, electronics, energy, metals, and telecommunications.
Metallurgical/Mineral Processing Engineering deals with all aspects of metal and non-metal processing and manufacturing. Mineral processing engineers have the responsibility of accepting ore mined from the earth, comminuting the ore until liberation occurs, and then removing the valuable minerals in the form of concentrates.
Learn more about the 19-credit extractive metallurgy minor. You'll take classes in process engineering, thermodynamics, computer applications and more.
This 19-credit undergraduate minor includes courses in Materials Structures & Properties, Thermodynamics, Polymeric Materials, and more.
This 18-credit undergraduate minor requires courses in process engineering, mineral processing and design, thermodynamics, and more.
Meet our faculty and explore their research interests and areas of expertise.
See the variety of workshops and summer camp opportunities we offer.
Experience professionals guide our programs and departments.
We are proud to be ABET-accredited. See our Program Education Objectives and student outcomes.
Students often participate in Society for Mining Engineers, Metals, Minerals, and Materials Society of AIME, and Club Met.
Learn more about Metallurgical and Materials Sciences.

Montana Tech will be recognized at the 40th annual American Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony and Fundraiser sponsored by the Mining and Minerals Education Foundation (MMEF) on December 3, 2022 at the JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort and Spa.
Montana Technological University researchers have been awarded $700,804 by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science to investigate the recovery of valuable metals from waste slags generated by mining and metallurgical industries.
Longtime Montana Technological University champion and partner Nucor will announce a $2,000,000 Endowed Distinguished Professorship in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering on Friday, September 30, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the Copper Lounge on campus.
We will answer your questions and help you get started.
Professor and Department Head