Montana Tech Department of Civil Engineering

Montana Tech's Civil Engineering Department empowers students to identify and solve complex engineering problems by applying engineering, science, and mathematics principles through the ABET-accredited bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at Montana Tech. A Master's degree option is also available. Dedicated faculty are at the forefront of their field, with numerous opportunities to assist in ongoing research available to both graduates and undergraduate students.

For all students

This ABET-accredited program boasts a 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio. Your professors will know you and your goals, and help you reach them. In addition to hands-on class time, you can expect an immersive program where internships and research opportunities are integrated so you walk onto your first jobsite after graduation fully prepared.
Learn the various aspect of construction projects, such as scheduling, cost estimating and accounting, CAD, safety, human resources, machinery, and regulatory compliance, through our new bachelor’s degree in construction management.
A Master of Science student may elect to focus on Civil Engineering. Within the civil engineering field, students may opt to further concentrate focus on structural engineering, geotechnical, and water hydraulics or hydrology fields. Thesis and non-thesis options are available. Research is encouraged.

The Highlands College of Montana Tech Automotive Technology program, renowned for its career-ready graduates, is benefitting from a strong partnership with the Denny Menholt Ford dealership in Butte, ensuring students receive a high-quality educational experience.
The most popular exhibit at The Mineral Museum at Montana Technological University, featuring fluorescent minerals that glow in the dark under UV light is back on display, thanks in part to the hard work of members of the Montana Tech Robotics Club.
Fifty-one of Montana’s fifty-six counties are designated as “health professional shortage areas,” and in rural areas the need for trained healthcare workers is particularly acute. Kjirsten Mercer, RN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2011) has spent her career serving rural patients. She began her tenure as Sanders County Public Health Director in June 2024.
Meet the faculty that guides our department, and explore their areas of expertise and research.
The American Society of Civil Engineers allows you to network and compete in competitions. Learn more about the student chapter and how to support the club's efforts.
We're proud of our accreditation by the by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.
We'll answer your questions and help you get started.
Department Head