American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE)

The American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) is comprised of over 150,000 members across the globe, both on the collegiate level and on the professional level. Student chapters of ASCE are connected to universities across the country, providing college students with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed on their paths to becoming civil engineers. By joining the Montana Tech chapter of ASCE, you will be connected with other civil engineering students who are further along in their degrees, be able to network with many different professionals through our speaker events, go on fieldtrips to different civil engineering facilities, and participate in fun and skill-building civil engineering activities. On the national level, being a member of ASCE will give you access to tons of resources including career resources, mentorship programs, scholarships and fellowships, and much more!

- Jared Griffith, President -
- Avery Londo, Vice President -
- Rilee Green, Secretary -
- Mehana Benson, Treasurer -
- Beau Drivdahl, Community Outreach -
- Rowdy Lamb, Newcomer -
Monthly General Meetings
ASCE monthly meetings include club updates, networking opportunities, and/ or work time for club projects. Dinner is provided!
- 1st Meeting - Sep. 13th @5:30pm
- 2nd Meeting - Oct. 11th @5:30pm
Lunch and Learn
Lunch & Learns are a great way to network with Civil Engineering professionals and learn about different avenues within civil engineering. Lunch provided!
Concrete Canoe
Concrete Canoe is a project ASCE members have the opportunity to work on throughout the year. Through developing a real, working canoe (out of concrete), project members gain real project experience, learn about structural design and concrete mix design, and have fun along the way. At the end of the year, the canoe is taken to competition to race against other schools' concrete canoes.
- Meetings every Thursday in ELC 316 from 6-8pm
- Reginal Competition: April 14-15, 2023 in Bozeman, MT
- ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition
- ASCE Annual Student Conference
- Lunch-and-Learn Networking Events
- Field Trips to Civil Engineering Companies
- Community Outreach/ Volunteering