Physical Facilities
To report any maintenance issues, temperature problems, custodial needs, and labor and grounds requests for buildings, classrooms, and offices, please submit a work order by clicking on the "Facilities Service Work Order" button. If you are new to the work order process, please click on the button for help on “How to create a work order in FAMIS”
Facilities Service Work OrderHow to create a work order in FAMIS
Find the latest information about the Campus Heating System Upgrade Project - Phase 3B, as well as other plans to further enhance Montana Tech.
Our new work order system, Accruent FAMIS, is now live!
Building and Grounds Maintenance provides operation and maintenance to all State and auxiliary funded facilities.
The Facilities Custodial Department is responsible for the cleaning of all State funded buildings.
See future plans and projects to revamp Montana Tech's campus.
Reserve a vehicle and check on availability.
All key requests need to be submitted to the facilities department via a key request card.
See common questions about the Physical Facilities department.
Meet the staff that keeps campus safe and clean.
Print and complete this form to have any projects you are pursuing be considered by the Facilities, Finance, and Administration Office. Send the completed form via email at