Techxpo Guidelines - 14th Annual Montana Tech Techxpo
Event Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025
Time: 1:30 - 5:30 PM
Location: Montana Tech HPER
Who Can Participate?
- Any student in any degree area who is involved in a research project (i.e., graduate, undergraduate, senior design) at Montana Tech or at the Highlands College is eligible to participate in Techxpo. Students must have their advisor’s approval before registering.
Registration Deadline
- The deadline for students to register for Techxpo is March 7, 2025. Students must register online by visiting www.mtech.edu/techxpo and clicking on 'Student Registration'.
- Projects will be divided between four categories: 1 semester projects, 2 semester projects, competition projects, and graduation projects.
- Students can request various items for their display, including a table, chairs, electricity, etc. Each department will need to supply their students with any laptops, projectors, and/or screens.
NEW! Communication Seminar
- Techxpo participants will be required to attend a Communications Seminar on Wednesday, March 12 at 5:30 pm in the Copper Lounge. This 1-hour seminar will focus on improving your communication skills and will provide instructions on how to communicate your work to a non-scientific audience without the use of “intense” technical jargon. Students will learn how to be effective communicators, the art of the 5-minute pitch, and how to close the loop in a business setting. This lecture will also be recorded and posted to the Techxpo website so that students who are unable to attend in person will be able to view at a later time.
- Projects will be divided into four categories (1 semester projects, 2 semester projects, competition projects, and graduation projects. Two prizes will be awarded per category. In addition, three Chancellor Awards will be awarded: one based on innovation (novel solution) and the other based on professionalism (leadership, management, solution), and a third on scientific insight.
- Only those projects with students in attendance will be judged. Judging will take place from 1:45 – 4:15 pm. For projects with multiple student participants (teams), only one student per team is required for judging. Judging will be conducted by industry professionals.
Poster Printing
- IMPORTANT! Poster templates and/or instructions on creating your poster are available on the Techxpo website (www.mtech.edu/techxpo) under 'Resources/Poster Printing'. Please contact Donna at x4262 or email her at dconrad@mtech.edu if you have any questions.
- All posters will be printed for free on campus providing that they have a white background (no posters with a colored background will be printed) and meet the size requirements of 36” x 48”.
- Posters can be printed by contacting the following individuals:
- Donna Conrad (406-496-4262). Posters need to be generated in Microsoft Publisher.
- Poster printing times must be scheduled in advance with the previously-listed individuals. The last day to print a poster will be Friday, April 18, 2025. If a student misses the printing deadline, they will need to have their poster printed at an off-campus facility and incur the expense.
Event Set‐up
- Set-up for Techxpo will be held on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, from 3:30 – 6:00 pm, ONLY! All posters will be displayed on easels (rather than being hung), so set up will be very simplified. Techxpo t-shirts will also be distributed to students who pre-ordered a shirt. No day-of-event set-up will be allowed.
- The event will conclude with the award ceremony with drinks and snacks provided to all participants. Two cash prizes will be awarded per category. Two Chancellor Award winners will also receive a cash prize.
Contact Susie Anderson at 406-496-4311 or suanderson@mtech.edu.