The principal focus is to help young women who are not on a four-year college track, but who are seeking vocational or business training to be self-sufficient. The scholarship is intended for a young woman who has struggled with financial difficulties, whose family has not been able to provide much support, but one who has demonstrated a willingness to work to help herself. She is not expected to be among the top students but one who has made a real effort to completing school with at least a "C" average. One who demonstrates a genuine desire to obtain a post-secondary education or training to become self-sufficient.

This scholarship is funded through the Montana Community Foundation and administered by Chapter X P.E.O. in Butte, Montana.

The following information or any other information you would like us to know can be sent in a Word document or resume format - your choice, just s long as the following information is included:



Email (if you have one)


Education (high school attended, graduation date)

School attending

Field of Study

Years attended, Years remaining, GPA

Financial need

Goals - Personal and Academic (plans for the future, education plans)

Define yourself (your activities, work experience, desire for self-improvement)

Free time and hobbies

Your strongest characteristics (strengths, weaknesses, skills, experiences)


Any questions or concerns, please contact Patty Higinbotham. Your application can be sent by mail or email to:

Patty Higinbotham

Chapter X P.E.O.

1330 West Granite

Butte, MT 59701

Home phone number: 406-782-8804

Cell phone number: 406-491-8867


Contact Us