New First-Time Students
You are considered a new first-time student if you’ve never taken courses from Montana Tech or another college. (If you were enrolled in dual credit courses, you are still considered a new student.)
- Oredigger Merit Scholarships- New first-time students are awarded Oredigger Merit Scholarships based on GPA and test scores. No scholarship application is necessary. Award announcement letters are mailed in the fall upon acceptance. New students should also watch their PURL and email for additional scholarship opportunities, paying special attention to any required application materials and deadlines. Also see information about Marie Moebus Presidential Scholarship.
- Marie Moebus Presidential Scholarships are Montana Tech’s most prestigious and competitive awards. These scholarships are a combination of a tuition waiver and cash and are renewable for up to four years. Qualifying first-year students will find a link to apply and submit materials on their PURL page. More information may be found here.
- Lance Scholars Program will provide the means to make a Montana Tech education possible for more Montana students. More information may be found here.
Continuing Students
You are a continuing student if you are currently enrolled at Montana Tech pursuing an undergraduate degree (bachelor's or associate's) or certificate or a graduate student. The continuing student scholarship application was due on March 9, 2025. The application will re-open for late applications on April 21, 2025.
Transfer Students
If you have attended another college (other than dual credit), you are considered a transfer student. New transfer students are evaluated for scholarships on an ongoing basis after admission. Awards are determined by GPA and other specific criteria such as major. Transfer applicants will be notified directly of any scholarship awards and no application is necessary.
- Lance Scholars Program will provide the means to make a Montana Tech education possible for more Montana students. More information may be found here.
Additional Scholarship Opportunities
Montana Tech posts additional scholarship opportunities of additional scholarship opportunities from organizations or entities that have a relationship with the University.
We can answer your questions and help you get started.
Phone: (406) 496-4223
Fax: 406-496-4705
Student Success Center, Room 3.126