
  • To promote an active role for the staff employees in the governing structures and decision-making process of the University;
  • To achieve formal representation in the process of establishing University educational and operating procedures and policies;
  • To serve as a communication conduit between staff and the administration and, through the administration, to the State Board of Regents;
  • To promote continued improvement of higher education at Montana Tech and in the state of Montana;
  • To promote stability and professional growth of the Montana Tech staff; and
  • To promote service to students by improving morale and working conditions of the Montana Tech staff.
  • To promote and develop staff-related activities, policies, and procedures that support the Montana Tech mission.


  1. The Montana Tech Staff Senate represents exempt, non-exempt, non-faculty, or contract professional employees and includes MPEA, Crafts, Professional, College, Professional Bureau, and Union-Exempt employees.
  2. The members of the Staff Senate shall, to the best of their ability, ensure that the Staff Senate membership is a well-balanced representation of the campus staff.
  3. Official positions or views of the Staff Senate shall be determined by its members at an annual Senate and staff meeting, or between such meetings, by the Senate.
  4. The Staff Senate shall neither endorse nor oppose candidates for political office, either partisan or nonpartisan nor shall it take a position on political issues unless they affect the operation or support of public higher education institutions or their staffs, facilities, or students.
  5. No organization or individual may use the Staff Senate mailing list for any political or commercial purposes.


  1. By the end of each May, the Staff Senate President shall inform Montana Tech staff of Senate vacancies and staff eligibility criteria for serving on the Staff Senate. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee.
  2. The Committee will:
    1. Review the names and eligibility of interested staff;
    2. Ensure fair representation of classified and professional staff from the identified nominees;
    3. Inform candidates of the responsibilities and duties of the position for which they were nominated; and
    4. Prepare a slate of candidates for Staff Senate vote.


  1. Eligibility: Benefited staff employees working at least 20 hours per week, have been employed for six months prior to nomination, and who are not on probation are eligible for elected membership to the Staff Senate.
  2. At the second regular meeting in June, the Senate will hold election of Senators and Officers.
  3. Senators will serve a term beginning on July 1. Term limits will be based upon the willingness of other eligible employees to participate on the Staff Senate.
  4. Elected officers will serve one-year terms, each term beginning July 1, unless no other candidates within the EEO category will accept a nomination and the incumbent is willing to serve again.


  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Senate as well as meetings of the whole association, and shall appoint members to standing committees and special committees.
  2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the President’s inability to serve, or by the delegation of the President.
  3. The Secretary shall act as recorder of all Association and Senate meetings, and shall keep minutes thereof.

The Secretary will distribute minutes of meetings of the Staff Senate to all members of the Staff Senate at least one business day before the next regularly scheduled Staff Senate meeting.

The Secretary shall have charge of the books, records, and papers of the Association to its organization and history.

  1. The Treasurer shall be accountable for all monies. The Treasurer shall maintain Banner accounts and keep accurate records of all Staff Senate funds for reporting and auditing. The Treasure will receive monies, make deposits and pay invoices.
  2. The Immediate Past President shall administer and conduct elections, inform the membership of election decisions, and make results available to any staff member upon request.


  1. The Staff Senate will consist of at least 7 members and not more than 15 members; the size and composition of the Staff Senate may increase or decrease depending on staff interest in serving and changes in Montana Tech department structure.
  2. Senators will seek the counsel and advice of the colleagues they represent in matters affecting them. Senators will be uninstructed representatives and free to exercise their judgment on matters of decision and voting.
  3. Senators will make a good faith effort in attending scheduled meetings and actively participating in matters that affect the interests of the staff they represent. If a Senator fails to actively participate in Staff Senate meetings, the Staff Senate may declare the seat vacant and a replacement sought, and the Senator’s immediate supervisor notified.  A Staff Senator may be removed by a majority vote by all Staff Senators present at a meeting.


  1. The Senate shall meet on a regular basis, to be determined by majority approval of the Senate and shall meet at a time and place designated by the President or any other officer or Senator when issues needing special attention arise.
  2. A quorum of serving senators must be present in order to conduct any senate business. A quorum is defined as 50% or more of current active serving senators. A majority vote shall be a majority of all members present at a meeting.
  3. A majority vote of members present and voting at a properly called meeting shall be sufficient to carry any matters before the Senate.
  4. Meetings of the Staff Senate may be postponed or suspended by the President, or other designated Staff Senators, when necessary because of extenuating circumstances. Notification of the reason for suspension shall be made available whenever possible and as early as possible before the next scheduled meeting.
  5. At least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the fiscal year, a Senate meeting will be held to review Senate activities for the current year; planned activities for the upcoming year, determining position or policies relevant to the Montana Tech Staff, conducting election nominations, and other business.


  1. Any provision in these By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Staff Senate.


Upon dissolution of this Senate, if such should occur, the President shall instruct the Recording Secretary/Treasurer to notify all members of the Montana Tech staff of said dissolution.