Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
Butte, Montana
(Revised according to faculty action 10/21/11)
Article I. Name
Article II. Purpose, Function & Duties
Article III. Membership
Article IV. Elections
Article V. Organization
Article VI. Meetings
Article VII. Transaction of Business
Article VIII. Amendments
See Montana Tech Faculty/Staff Handbook - Appendix E
To promote the stable growth and continued improvement of higher education at Montana Technological University and in the State of Montana; to facilitate communication and cooperation among administrative and faculty personnel; and to insure the continued development of our educational programs and policies: We the Faculty, do hereby establish and subscribe to this Constitution of the Faculty Senate of Montana Technological University.
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Senate of Montana Technological University (the Faculty Senate) at Butte, Montana.
Article II. Purpose, Functions and Duties
SECTION 1: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be:
To participate as an advisory body in the formulation, implementation, and review of institutional policy and to provide the means for the faculty to initiate action on matters with which it is directly concerned.
SECTION 2: Functions
Within the framework of rules and regulations set forth by the State Board of Regents, the functions of this organization shall be:
a. To study and discuss institutional problems referred to it and, where appropriate, to make recommendations to the administration.
b. To initiate suggestions for changes in the area of institutional policies affecting the instructional program of the college.
c. To serve as a channel of communication between faculty and the administration and, through the administration, to the State Board of Regents.
d. To aid the students, the faculty, the administration, and the State Board of Regents in developing policies coordinating the total college community.
e. To consider policies concerning admissions, curricula, granting of degrees, and comparable academic concerns.
f. To consider policies concerning faculty selection, promotion, tenure, leaves, and termination of employment.
g. To advise, with the Chancellor, in the selection of administrative
personnel when vacancies exist.
h. To advise, with the State Board of Regents, in the selection of a Chancellor when a vacancy exists.
i. To seek means for raising the level of all aspects of professional performance.
j. The Faculty Senate shall conduct a Faculty Satisfaction Survey every spring semester.
SECTION 3: Duties
The duties of the organization shall be:
a. To examine all matters under consideration from the point of view of the welfare and best professional interests of the college and in the light of its total educational objectives.
b. To acknowledge each recommendation or request submitted and, upon completion of its considerations, state the action recommended.
In the performance of its duties, the Faculty Senate is not to interfere with or infringe upon the academic freedom of individual faculty members.
SECTION 4: Channels and Procedures
a. To accept for consideration from the faculty or the administration any projects which fall within the scope of Article II, Sections 1 and 2 above.
b. To initiate projects which fall within the scope of Article II, Sections 1 and 2 above.
c. To submit recommendations to the faculty or the administration of the College concerning matters which have been considered.
d. To submit to conference with the entire faculty if necessary any differences of opinion which arise as a result of disagreement between the Faculty Senate and the administration concerning recommendations made.
e. To refer questions still unsolved after conference to the Chancellor or final reference to the proper agency, such as Faculty Service Committee, Attorney General, State Board of Regents, etc.
Article III. Membership
(Art. III, Sec.1 replaced by following according to faculty action 10/21/2011. Revised according to faculty action 4/24/2016, 2/28/2020, and 10/27/2022.)
The Faculty Senate shall consist of 24 members composed as follows:
Lance College of Mines and Engineering and Engineering Faculty............................10 Senators
College of Letters, Science, and Prof. Studies Faculty........7 Senators
Highlands College Faculty....................................................3 Senators
Research & Library Faculty..................................................3 Senators
Adjunct Faculty.....................................................................1 Senator
The representation shall be subdivided and elected at the department level as follows:
Lance College of Mines and Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science, Cyber and Network Admin
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Geological Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Safety, Health and Industrial Hygiene
Highlands College
- Business and Industry
- Health Programs
- Trades
College of Letters, Science, and Professional Studies
- Biological Sciences
- Business
- Chemistry
- Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- Mathematical Science
- Nursing
- Writing Program
Research, Library, & Adjunct Faculty
- Research Faculty (2 senators)
- Library Faculty
- Adjunct Faculty
As needed, the size and composition of the Faculty Senate shall be re-evaluated to account for changes in faculty and department structure of the College.
Article IV. Elections
(Article IV, Section 1 replaced by following according to faculty action 10/21/2011.)
Membership in the Faculty Senate shall be determined by annual elections held in March at the department level. Only persons holding faculty rank are eligible to vote, except in the case of Adjunct Faculty. Members shall be elected to two-year or three-year terms at the option of their respective departments. Vacancies created by unexpired terms shall be filled by special election.
Article V. Organization
SECTION 1: Officers
The officers shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. These officers shall be elected from the total membership of the Faculty Senate at the initial meeting after its annual election.
SECTION 2: Duties of Officers
The Chairperson shall be the principal executive officer and shall have such powers as are appropriate to the office. The Chairperson shall appoint committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
The Vice-Chairperson shall fulfill the duties of the Chairperson in the Chairperson's absence and shall, otherwise, serve as an assistant to the Chairperson.
The Secretary is responsible for the usual functions of the office, such as:
- Keeping the minutes of all regular meetings of the Faculty Senate and making available copies to the entire professional staff and the Chancellor.
- Maintaining archives of important papers of the Faculty Senate.
- Furnishing notification of all Faculty Senate meetings to all faculty members.
- Carrying on pertinent correspondence relative to the Faculty Senate and its activities.
SECTION 3: Committees
The duties of all committees shall be determined by the Faculty Senate. Committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson, when necessary, with the approval of the Faculty Senate body.
Article VI. Meetings
(Revised according to the faculty action 11/6/72)
SECTION 1: Regular Meetings (Open)
Regular meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be held monthly or as needed during the regular academic year) with additional meetings or cancellations of the scheduled meeting at the option of the chairperson. It shall be understood that at all open meetings an invitation to attend is extended to all of the administrative staff, all faculty members, and to a student representative. It shall be further understood that this invitation includes both the right to engage in the discussions of the committee and the right to introduce motions.
It does not include, however, the right to second nor amend motions, nor the right to vote upon them when they are placed before the Faculty Senate for final action.
SECTION 2: Special Meetings (Closed)
A special closed meeting of the Faculty Senate may be called at a designated time by the officers of the Faculty Senate or by a petition signed by one-third of the total membership of the Faculty Senate, or by a petition of ten percent of the total membership of the faculty.
Article VII. Transaction of Business
SECTION 1: Initiation of Action
The Faculty Senate shall receive written suggestions for agenda items from any member of the faculty or from the administration. In the case of delicate matters, at the discretion of the Faculty Senate, the referral items can be received by oral communication at a meeting.
Any member of the Faculty Senate may initiate debate.
Where appropriate, the agenda item shall be referred to a committee for study.
SECTION 2: Nature of Sessions
A quorum for the transaction of business shall be privileged to call members of the college community as advisors when information concerning a matter under consideration is required.
The minutes shall be as complete as the nature of the problem requires.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Faculty Senate of Montana Technological University in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Faculty Senate of Montana Technological University may adopt.
SECTION 3: Transmittal of Recommendations
The Chairperson shall direct the Secretary to transmit to the appropriate individual or body a written statement of actions and recommendations of the Faculty Senate when approved at a regularly constituted meeting.
Article VIII. Amendments
SECTION 1: Proposed Amendments
Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate who shall submit them to the faculty for action.
SECTION 2: Notification of Amendments
The text of the proposed amendments must be circulated among the members of the faculty at least one week prior to action by the faculty.
SECTION 3: Ratification of Amendments
Ratification of amendments shall require a simple majority vote of all members of the faculty.
SECTION 4: Submission of Amendments
In keeping with Article 2, Section 2, all amendments will be submitted to the administration for review and appropriate action.