Dr. Johnny MacLean's Evaluation Survey

Johnny MacleanView Dr. MacLean's CV »

Dr. Johnny MacLean completed a B.S. in Geology at Furman University, an M.S. in Earth Science at Syracuse University, and a Ph.D. in Geosciences at the University of Montana (UM). Dr. MacLean then worked as a geologist at ConocoPhillips in Houston, Texas, and as an environmental scientist at the Morrison-Maierle engineering firm in Missoula, Montana.

After working in the energy and environmental industries, Dr. MacLean joined the geology faculty at Southern Utah University (SUU), where he engaged students in field-based undergraduate research experiences and took on increasing leadership responsibilities. Upon advancing to the Office of the Provost at SUU, Dr. MacLean supervised several offices, including Institutional Effectiveness, the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning, Online Teaching & Learning, Sponsored Programs & Grants, the Library, Concurrent Enrollment, Career & Technical Education, the General Education Program, the Honors Program, the Institutional Review Board, and the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Dr. MacLean became the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Montana Western in January 2022. He currently oversees all Academic Affairs, Student Success and Dean of Students offices, Enrollment Management offices, IT, and Institutional Research. Under his leadership, the university has added several exciting academic programs, created the Center for Experiential Education, developed innovative student success initiatives, and advanced career and technical education opportunities.

He and his wife, Dr. Jayci Hacker, enjoy hiking in western Montana's mountains, floating rivers throughout the West, and spending time with their children. One is graduating from SUU in April and applying to law school at UM, and the other is a sophomore at Montana State University.

Dr. Johnny MacLeans's Interview Schedule
Date Time Meeting Student Union Building
March 25, 2025 8:50 - 9:30 am Breakfast with Search Committee Kelley/Steward
9:30 - 10:20 am Leadership Team Big Butte/Highlands
10:30 - 11:20 am All Faculty Big Butte/Highlands
12:30 - 1:20 pm Lunch with Executive Team Kelley/Steward
1:30 - 2:20 pm All Students Big Butte/Highlands
2:30 -  3:15 pm All Staff Big Butte/Highlands
3:30 -  4:30 pm Open Forum Copper Lounge
4:30 - 5:15 pm Community Reception Copper Lounge