Residential Housing at Montana Tech
Welcome from Residence Life
We are so excited that you have chosen Montana Tech for your education! In the Residence Halls we strive to create a safe and engaging living environment. The staff hosts exciting programs and creates opportunities for you to connect with your academics in meaningful ways. We look forward to making memories with you this year and can’t wait to get started!
Residential Housing
Of all the memories you'll make in college, the most meaningful and long-lasting will include your friends. Many of those friendships will begin in your residence hall.
You'll meet students who share your interests and people with lives quite different from yours.
Students from familiar places, and students from half a world away. You'll stay up late talking, study together, relax over a board game, play Frisbee on the lawn, and make friendships which will last a lifetime.
Housing Contacts
Breanna Jacobs
Administrative Associate
Quinn Cassidy
Residence Life Coordinator
Freshmen under 21 years old are required to live on campus. All other students are invited to live in a residence hall, as space permits.
We offer three residence hall options in Centennial Hall, the Living & Learning Center, and Prospector Hall.
Apartment Housing is located approximately one mile from the North Campus. It consists of three complexes of 2- and 3-bedroom apartment units.
Residence hall life offers you opportunities to make the most of your college experience. Our residence life staff plan activities to get you acquainted with other students soon after you arrive, and activities continue all year long.
Thank you for your interest in on-campus living. All residents first have to apply.
Do you want to have input into what goes on in your residence hall? When you arrive, talk to the RA of your floor about applying to sit on the Residence Hall Association Planning Board.
Learn what the university provides and what you should pack for living in the residence halls.
Your Residence Hall Contract includes both room and board. All residents must choose a meal plan option.
Montana Tech is committed to promoting and fostering each student's personal and intellectual development.
Request to be exempt from the freshman on-campus living requirement.
The student handbook is a road map for your success. It is intended to provide you with information about services, policies, procedures, and includes the academic calendar.
Learn about Fire Safety in our dorms and apartments.
Meal plans are available for students who live on or off campus.
Students who want an emotional support animal while living on campus must register the animal and submit documentation from a qualified health professional.
We would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the residence halls.