To complete the Invention Disclosure form, compile the following information:

  • Title: The title needs to be precise, specific, and no more than 15 words. For example, if your invention is a new wrench design using a novel soft grip, a title that works is "Wrench with Enlarged Soft Grip." Don't name anything after a person, a trademark, or use the words "new" or "improved". Others should also find your titles easily with a search.
  • Concise Overview of the Invention: Prepare a brief, yet thorough and succinct, description of your invention and its key features. Use clear language and define any necessary technical terminology that would not be obvious to a scientist/engineer in a different discipline. Describe all relevant aspects and variations in performance or operability. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable one skilled in the art to understand and reproduce the invention and should include the construction, the principals involved, the details of operation, and alternative methods of construction or operation.
  • Relevant Drawings: Include drawings that aid in understanding the invention's structure and operation as described in the specification and claims. Label the elements of the drawings and provide a brief explanation of each.
  • Inventor details (full legal, legal residence, mailing address, citizenship or nationality, email, phone number, affiliation; for internal tracking purposes, please denote which inventors are students and which are external partners).
  • Assignee: Montana Technological University. All inventions utilizing Montana Tech funds must list Tech as the assignee, unless sponsorship agreements dictate otherwise.
  • Correspondence Address: The Montana Technological Research Office, unless otherwise specified.
  • Sponsorship details (grant number)
  • Date of discovery
  • Prior public disclosures or publications (if any)
  • Prior patent applications (if any)
  • Filing Fee: Paid by the research office, if filed internally without legal assistance. Contact the VCR for other circumstances.
  • Signatures of Inventors: This is required for a provisional patent filing to be valid.