Education Programs and Outreach - Research Office

The CFWEP provides robust educational experiences to all 36 Superfund-affected communities of the Clark Fork Watershed. CFWEP provides teacher professional development along with authentic research experiences for K-12 students. To date, CFWEP has served over 68,000 students and over 700 teachers. The annual operating budget of CFWEP is $767,000, funded by the MT Department of Justice Natural Resource Damage Program (NRD), with additional contributions from Butte-Silver Bow, the National Institutes of Health, and the Environmental Protection Agency. With the projected sunset of the NRD contract in early 2024, CFWEP is actively seeking philanthropic and federal support to continue its education and outreach to disadvantaged Montana communities.
These projects will discover and characterize bacteriophages (a.k.a. phages), which are tiny viruses that infect bacteria. Phages have been used to successfully treat infectious diseases caused by bacterial pathogens. The overwhelming majority of phages, the most numerous biological entities on the planet, have not yet been discovered. Two undergraduate students, Kylie Marks, a sophomore biochemistry major from Helena and Sara Burgmeier, a senior biology major from Drummond will work with Biology Professor Marisa Pedulla and CFWEP’s Chris Doyle to isolate, purify, and characterize bacteriophages that infect a devastating fish pathogen bacteria. Partnerships with FWP Fish Scientists at the Washoe Fish Hatchery and Great Falls will test these phages for therapeutic applications in future studies. The Montana Tech undergraduates also worked with a group of middle and high school teachers and six high school students in the PHAGES Pipeline Program. The PHAGES project is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health. See also:
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MUS 210, 212, 213
(406) 496-4106