Montana Technological University ranked #1 in 2022 Best Colleges in Montana Rankings


The return on investment for Montana Technological University’s degree programs outpaces every other university in the state in Degree Choices’ 2022 Best Colleges in Montana rankings.

The rankings compare the earnings of graduates to the net cost of obtaining a degree by evaluating data from the U.S. Department of Education. According to the ranking system, on average, Montana Tech graduates earn $4,230 more annually than the state’s average wage. Degree Choices’ calculation system estimates the time it takes Orediggers to earn back the initial investment in their degree is 2.9 years.

According to the rankings, that return on investment compares to a 3.6 year payoff time for Carroll College students, 3.8 years for Montana State University students, 4.3 years for Rocky Mountain College students, and 4.2 years for students who attended the University of Montana.

Montana Tech also boasts the highest graduation rate of the public universities ranked by Degree Choices, at 57 percent.

Highlands College is also the only two-year institution included in the rankings and comes in at #8. According to Degree Choices, Highlands College students earn an average wage of $49,032 annually, with an estimated 1.1-year payoff time to recoup the $10,284 average cost of a Highlands degree.