Montana Tech Students Receives Nevada MPD Undergraduate Scholarship

The Nevada MPD has selected Nathanael Rawlins as the Nevada MPD Undergraduate Scholarship recipient, an award totaling $3,000. Rawlins, an undergraduate in Montana Tech's Metallurgical and Materials Engineering program, is thrilled to be the recipient of the scholarship award. “I would like to express my sincere gratitude for being selected as the recipient of the Nevada MPD Undergraduate Scholarship. Being the recipient of this scholarship greatly assists me in my journey on the path of metallurgy. Additionally, the award will help me focus on becoming a high-quality engineer."
Courtney Young, professor in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, nominated Rawlins and added, "Nathanael is a wonderful young man and a fantastic choice for this scholarship! He digs into things on his own to understand better what he’s being taught as well as what he’s doing in the lab. He is one of the most focused students I have encountered. No doubt he will go on and do great things. Very deserving!"
To learn more about Montana Tech’s Metallurgical and Materials Engineering program, please visit….