Montana Tech Hosting CREATE Math Summer Camp

Montana Tech will host the CREATE Math Summer Camp on campus from July 25 to July 29 for girls going into the 5th through 9th grade in the fall of 2016. The camp runs from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm.

CREATE Math aims to encourage girls to study mathematics in high school by giving them a glimpse of the creative side of mathematics. The one week camp is designed for 5th through 8th grade girls and will be led by an all-female faculty. During the camp, Montana Tech will focus on helping students connect a creative pursuit they enjoy to mathematics. This year, the camp will explore the mathematics of origami and paper art. Girls will have the opportunity to create origami paper sculptures.

In 2014, with a grant from the Mathematical Association of America, Montana Tech hosted a camp that focused on the mathematics of music. During the first week, girls were taught the basic mathematics connected to concepts like chords, time signatures, and harmonies. Girls spent the second week creating their own musical compositions on Garage Band. A variety of speakers and artists were brought in during that time to discuss how mathematics connected to their work in music. The final day of the program was a recital and the girls invited family and friends to hear their compositions.

For more information or to register, please contact Laurie Battle, associate professor in the Mathematical Sciences Department, at or 406-496-4857.