Scott Rosenthal, Ph.D., P.E.
Department of Mining Engineering

Associate Professor, Department Chair
Anaconda Professor of Mining Engineering
Scott has over 30 years of work experience in surface mining gold, copper, iron ore, and coal while living in the USA, Australia, Indonesia and Argentina. Scott has held senior positions in mine engineering, production, and mine management with a strong commitment to improving safety practices. Scott utilizes and shares these real world experiences in the classes he teaches and draws on his industry network to provide frequent guest lectures.
2024 Ph.D. Geology, Geological Engineering, and Mining Engineering, Mining Engineering Specialization, South Dakota Mines. Dissertation title: Impacts to Load Carrying Capacity per Unit Length of Swellex® Rockbolts Subjected to Blasting Induced Vibrations.
2010 M.S. Project Engineering and Management, Montana Tech, Butte, Montana
1982 B.S. Mining Engineering, Montana College of Mineral Science & Technology, Butte, Montana
Professional Licenses
Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.)
Registered Member Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME)
- M.EC. 4030 Diamonds and Precious Metals
- MIN 105 Introduction to Mining
- MIN 140 Practical Underground Mining
- Min 205 Mining and Construction Equipment
- MIN 215 Mining Methods
- MIN 408 Valuation of Mineral Properties
- MIN 425/525 Rock Fragmentation
- MIN 480 Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
- MIN 499W Mine Design Project
- MIN 560 Mine Management II
- MIN 594 Mining Engineering Seminar
- MIN 597 Special Problems-Advanced Cast Blasting
- ECIV 405 – Construction Project Planning & Scheduling
2013-Present Associate Professor—Mining Engineering Department, Montana Tech
2002-2013 Senior Director, Mine Engineering—Technical Services, Newmont Mining Corporation
2001-2002 Mine Engineer/Cost Coordinator—Morenci Mine (Phelps Dodge Morenci Inc.).
2001 Placer Mine Operator—Freegold Placer Gold Mine, Self
1999-2000 Mine Manager—Minera Alumbrera Limited (Xstrata)
1996-1999 Mine Manager—Senakin Mine (BHP Coal Indonesia)
1990-1996 Superintendent Mining—Mt. Whaleback Mine, (BHP Iron Ore)
1987-1990 Senior Mine Foreman—Barrick Goldstrike Mine (Barrick Gold)
1982-1987 Mine Engineer—Navajo Mine (BHP World Minerals)
Research Interests
- Rock Fragmentation
- Underground Mine Access Design; Mine Operations Costing; Equipment Selection, Operation, and Cost Modeling.
SEED Grant
2015/2016 $5,000. Awarded April 7, 2015.
PI: Scott D. Rosenthal
Title: Investigation of Current Underground Mine Industry Practice For Safe Design of Mobile Equipment Entries, Adits, Drifts and Haulageways
Industry Research Concept Proposal
Atlas Copco Drilling Solutions, LLC. 2015/2016 $49,873. Approved October 2015.
PI’s: Kevin Dill (Masters student) & Scott D. Rosenthal
Title: Determine the Potential Drill Utilization Improvements and Rock Fragmentation Requirements Using Directional Drilling in a Coal Mining Overburden Highwall Application
- Hart, Julie F.; Autenrieth, Daniel A.; Cauda, Emanuele; Chubb, Lauren; Spear, Terry M.; Wock, Siobhan; & Rosenthal, Scott. A Comparison of Respirable Crystalline Silica Concentration Measurements Using a Direct-on-Filter Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Transmission Method Versus a Traditional Laboratory X-ray Diffraction Method. Published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. ISSN: 1545-9624 (Print) 1545-9632 (Online), 2018, pp. 743-754.
- Rosenthal, S. D., What a ride: From the mining industry to university. Education section: Mining Engineering, Vol.67, No. 9, 2015, pp. 46 – 48.
- Stout, C.E., P.W. Conrad, C.S. Todd, S. Rosenthal, and P. Knudsen, Simulation of a Large Multiple Pit Mining Operation using GPSS/H, International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2013, pp. 278-295.
- Hoover, J.L., P.W. Conrad, S. Parrow, S. Rosenthal, and J. Downey, Forecasting Drill Bit Consumption in Surface Mine Production Drilling Operations, Transactions 2012, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, 2012, pp. 414-421.
- Roos, C.J., P.W. Conrad and S. Rosenthal Estimating Excavator Teeth Consumption Rates, Technical Papers, Mining Engineering, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, August 2010, pp. 45-51.
2019 & 2024 Rose L. & Ann M. Busch Faculty Achievement
2018 Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Stefanko Best Paper
Montana Mining Association
- Board Member
Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration
- Registered Member
International Society of Explosives Engineers
- Member
- Collecting Minerals
- Trading at Gem & Mineral shows
- Making Rock Spheres
I look forward to speaking with you.
Montana Tech
(406) 496-4867