Montana Technological University Graduate School: Professional Masters Degrees

The Industrial Hygiene Distance Learning/Professional Track M.S. is designed for industry professionals working while they obtain their masters degree in a distance format.

Specialize in Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Geological, Geophysical, Geotechnical, Hydrogeological, Mechanical, Metallurgical/Minerals, Materials, Mining, or Petroleum.

Several companies, in collaboration with Montana Tech, initiated the Master’s in Project Engineering and Management (MPEM) to satisfy their expanding needs.

Montana Tech Graduate School now offers 7 professional certification tracks for students with a science or engineering background. Designed for advanced undergraduates and graduates, these courses feature differentiated assessments to ensure higher-level outcomes at the graduate level.
We can answer your questions and help you get started.
MUS 210 & MUS 211
(406) 496-4781