Conceived as an idea by the Associated Students of Montana Tech (ASMT) in 2020, the purpose of the Montana Tech Food Pantry is to support Montana Tech students facing food insecurity. The food pantry helps relieve the stress of students and of the Butte Food Bank. In addition to food, the pantry stocks hygiene products like toothbrushes and soap that students may need. The Montana Tech Food Pantry is anonymous, and students are able to take products as they need them.

Location: SUB 106
Hours: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Who can use it: All Montana Tech students


If you are intersted in contributing to the food pantry, please view our donation page below:

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If you have any questions about the food pantry, or if you want to donate or volunteer, please contact us.

Madeline Thomas
Director of Campus Life